2004 Vancouver Marathon STARRING...RACHEL KAISER! (dedicated to my honored heroes)
Life is a journey, a marathon.
It begins. It ends. Life is a contest of endurance with hills & valleys, peaks & depths. A roller coaster ride. One we have little say in the choosing. Captives of the rail, we journey from beginning to end. Along the way, we learn that what is important to us is not the speed with which we traverse the distance, but the determination by which we traverse it. There will be those who begin with swiftness and sureness only to finish laboriously and with uncertainty. Others will begin slowly and gain momentum to rage towards the finish line. But, no matter. We will all finish the line. There will be no losers. Each of us benefiting from the richness of the journey. Sometimes, benefiting from the journey of others. - Janice "Jo" Stahl, Patient - Kansas Chapter --------------------------------------- My mission: To raise awareness of blood related cancers and help find a cure through training, fundraising and a true commitment to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, cancer patients & their families. --------------------------------------- "You have never really lived until you've done something for someone who can never repay you." - Unknown --------------------------------------- "To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift." - Prefontaine |