
20 MILES...YEEEHHHAWWWW!!! My team, as well as the Dallas & Ft. Worth teams, drove out to Palo Pinto Lake at 5:30AM for our longest training run yet. We ran 20 miles and it felt great!

I spent the last week sunbathing in the Bahamas, drinking fruity drinks and eating like crap. I did two training runs while on vacation but didn't feed my body what it needed for my run today. I was so nervous about hydration and having enough carbs that I didn't sleep well last night. I tossed and turned all night until my alarm went off at 4:45AM.

The ride out to the lake was about 2 hours. The weather was chilly and drizzling but perfect running weather. The hills were tough especially since we were running directly into the wind but I felt better after this run than any other training run this season. I ran with two other gals that I usually run with and we ended up running about 9 minute miles the entire run. WHAT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT!!!

Everyone brought some type of food so we had a huge potluck afterwards and then drove home. I am hurting a bit now and probably will for a day or two. It is a good hurt though. WHAT A GREAT DAY!